
Privacy Policy

A man with hands in his pockets standing next to a large circle of lights.

Welcome to The Tao Jones Exchange. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience using our apps. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the handling of your conversations (“Threads”) within any of our apps.

Threads Privacy

When using any of our apps, you can expect that your Threads are private. We do not monitor, collect, or store the contents of your Threads beyond what is necessary for the operational performance of the app. Importantly, we do not sell or share the contents of your Threads with any third parties.

Data Responsibility

While we ensure the privacy of your Threads within our apps, it is crucial to recognize that the security of the information you choose to share in these Threads also depends on your practices. We encourage you to be mindful of the following:

Device Access: Ensure that any device you use to access any of our apps is secure, especially if you share the device with others or use it in public spaces. If another person can access your device, they may be able to view your Threads.

Deleting Threads: It is your responsibility to delete any Threads that contain sensitive or personal information at the end of each session. Deletion of Threads is a crucial step in protecting your privacy, particularly if the device you are using could be accessed by others.

How to Delete Threads

To delete a Thread within any of our apps, follow these steps:

– Navigate to the Thread you wish to delete.

– Click on the Trashcan icon on the left side of the page

A screenshot of the new thread in the tao exchange.
A close up of the delete thread button in ios

– Select “Yes, Delete” on the popup and confirm your action.

Once deleted, the Thread will no longer be accessible within the app.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by means of a notice on this page.