Tuning In
When you want to listen to a particular radio station, you tune your radio to that station, aligning with its specific frequency. The same concept applies when you watch a particular show on TV. The frequency you tune into determines what you hear and see.
Our brains operate in a similar way, with two primary “stations” we can tune into: the Ego Station and the True-Self Station.
Understanding the Ego Station

The Ego Station originates in our programmed mind, which contains all our limiting beliefs and fears. This station represents our wounded self, the false self we developed growing up to control getting love, avoiding pain, and feeling safe. The ego mind operates on outdated information acquired during childhood, which is often no longer relevant or true. It’s a closed circuit, not open to new information or truth.
Understanding the “True-Self” Station

The True-Self Station taps into the unlimited information of the universe, beyond our programmed mind. This station connects us to the Source of truth, guiding us to be our Authentic Self.
Tuning Your Frequency to Your True-Self Station
We all have a “dial” that tunes us to either the low frequency of the Ego Station or the high frequency of the True-Self Station. This dial is our Intent.
We have two Intents to choose from:
- The intent to get love and avoid pain through controlling behavior.
- The intent to learn about loving our Self and others.
Choosing the intent to control getting love and avoiding pain lowers our frequency, keeping us stuck in our limited ego mind. This intent leads to thoughts and actions that create fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, stress, anger, jealousy, resentment, and more. The ego frequency is the frequency of being a victim.
Choosing the Intent to Learn

At any moment, we can change our intent and choose to learn about what is in our best interest. We can choose to understand our ego mind rather than stay stuck in it. When we choose the intent to learn about love, we raise our frequency and access the True-Self Station. This is like moving from the limitations of a personal computer to the vastness of the Internet, but better. While some Internet information is true and some is not, all information from the True-Self Station is true, coming from the Source of Truth.
Overcoming the Addiction to Control

The only thing stopping us from choosing the True-Self Station is our addiction to control. The ego mind craves control over our feelings, others’ feelings and actions, and outcomes. When the desire for control outweighs the desire to love our Self and others, and to live in truth, we remain stuck in the Ego Station.
The Ego Station falsely promises control over things beyond our control, like others and outcomes. While we can momentarily control our feelings through addictions, this only leads to greater unhappiness. Our feelings are an inner guidance system, signaling when we are on or off track in our thinking and behavior. Suppressing them with addictions leads to more pain.
Discovering Joy in the “True-Self” Station

You will discover great joy when you choose the intent to learn about loving your Self and others. Accessing the incredible information from the True-Self Station allows you to live a life aligned with your Authentic Self. Embrace this journey and let go of the need for control, and you will find a deeper, more fulfilling connection with your true Self.