In any given situation, there are countless questions you could ask your Self. Whether you’re making decisions, dealing with a challenge, or figuring out how to move forward, it’s easy to get lost in endless possibilities. But what if there was One question that could simplify it all? The One that helps you cut through the noise and focus on what’s truly important.
The good news is there is! That question is:
“What is the BEST thing I can do or say, for me, right now, in this situation?”
Let’s break it down and explore why this question is so powerful.
The BEST Thing…

When you ask your Self about the BEST thing, you’re inviting clarity and focus. You’re not looking for any old action or reaction; you’re seeking the highest, most beneficial option available. The BEST thing is often what feels aligned with your values, goals, and well-being. It requires you to pause and consider, “What choice will serve me in the best way possible?”
Sometimes, the BEST thing might be speaking up, and other times, it might be taking a step back. It’s about understanding that not all options carry the same weight, and your goal is to find the one that truly supports your long-term well-being.
I CAN Do or Say…

The next key part of the question focuses on what you can do or say. This is all about your personal agency. We often stress over things we can’t control or wish we could change something that’s beyond our reach. By asking, “What can I do or say?” you’re shifting your attention to the actions and words that are within your power.
This part of the question also brings a sense of responsibility and Self awareness. It acknowledges your capabilities and your limits. You’re not expected to be a superhero who fixes everything. Instead, you’re considering what’s realistically within your scope, without overwhelming your Self.
For ME…

Here’s where things get personal. It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to please others or thinking about what’s best for someone else. But the truth is, you can never fully know what’s best for someone else; you can only guess. They are the ones who truly know what’s best for them, just as you are the only one who truly knows what’s best for you.
This part of the question emphasizes that your priority needs to be you. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and trying to meet everyone else’s needs at the expense of your own isn’t sustainable. By focusing on what’s best for you, you’re not being selfish—you’re being wise. Taking care of your Self allows you to show up better for others in the long run. When you do what is BEST for you, it becomes BEST for everyone else…they may not see it in the moment, but in time, that truth will be revealed.
Right NOW…

Timing matters. This question grounds you in the present moment. It’s not about what you could have done differently in the past or what you might do in the future. Instead, it’s about what’s possible and necessary right now.
In any situation, the immediate context matters. The best decision you can make is the one that works in this specific moment, based on the information you have right now. It prevents you from spiraling into overthinking and helps you stay focused on what needs attention in the present.
In THIS Situation…

Every situation is unique, and this part of the question reminds you to stay grounded in the specific circumstances at hand. What might be the best thing to do in one scenario could be entirely different in another. By focusing on this particular situation, you avoid comparing it to past experiences or future worries.
Asking, “In this situation,” helps you keep your thoughts and actions relevant to what’s happening right now. It pulls you away from any hypothetical scenarios or “what if” thoughts and keeps you grounded in reality, enabling you to make a decision that’s tailored to the present circumstances.
Putting It All Together

When you ask your Self, “What is the BEST thing I can do or say, for me, right now, in this situation?” you are taking a powerful step towards Self empowerment. You are being intentional about your actions, making decisions that honor your needs, and staying grounded in the present.
The next time you find your Self feeling uncertain or overwhelmed, give it a try. Pause, breathe, and ask your Self the question. You might be surprised at the clarity and peace that comes from focusing on what’s best for you, in this moment.
Remember, you are your own best guide. Trust your Self to know what’s best.