Being Self Contained

The Heart Knows Your Truth
Self Contained

Discovering Your Truth

In a world filled with external influences and distractions, it’s easy to forget that the answers we seek are often within us. Each person is fully Self Contained, meaning that everything you need to know about your Self and how to live your best life is already imprinted on your Heart. External validations are merely confirmations of the truths you already hold inside. This blog explores the concept of being Self Contained, how traumatic and life-changing experiences can drive us inward, and the gentle process of “Pause, Breathe, and Allow” to access our Heart’s wisdom.

​Understanding Being “Self Contained

Within your heart...

Being Self Contained means that all the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding necessary for your life’s journey reside within you. Your Heart holds the truth about who you are and the path you need to follow. This inner wisdom is innate and accessible, even if it sometimes feels hidden beneath layers of doubt or external noise.

While it’s natural to seek advice and validation from external sources, it’s important to remember that these are merely confirmations of what you already know deep down. Your Heart’s truth is the ultimate guide, and external inputs should serve to reinforce, not define, your inner knowledge.

Outside Confirmation

​Accessing Inner Wisdom
Through Life Experiences

Sometimes, life forces us inward through traumatic or life-changing experiences. These moments can strip away distractions and compel us to connect with our inner selves. While these experiences are often painful, they can also be transformative, revealing the strength and wisdom that lies within.

Life Changing Experience

However, You don’t have to wait for a crisis to access your Heart’s wisdom. The practice of “Pause, Breathe, and Allow” offers a gentle and effective way to quiet the mind and listen to your inner voice.

Your Heart Knows Your Truth
  • Pause: Take a moment to stop whatever you’re doing. Create a space of stillness in your day.
  • Breathe: Focus on your Heart area. Breathe a bit deeper and a bit slower than you are in this moment. This will begin to calm the mind and quiet the internal noise.
  • Allow: Allow your thoughts to settle and your Heart to speak. Trust that the answers you seek will surface when you create the space for them.

​Accepting Your Heart’s Truth

Listening to your Heart involves tuning into your inner voice and trusting the guidance it provides. This process requires patience and practice, as it can be challenging to distinguish between your Heart’s wisdom and the noise of your mind. However, with time, the clarity of your Heart’s truth will become more apparent.

Trusting your inner wisdom means having confidence in your Self and the knowledge you possess. It means valuing your own insights and feelings as much as, if not more than, the opinions of others. Your Heart knows what is best for you, and by trusting it, you empower your Self to make decisions that align with your true Self.

Trusting your Self

​How to Cultivate Inner Listening

Incorporate the “Pause, Breathe, and Allow” practice into your daily routine. Whether it’s through meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few moments of quiet each day, regular practice helps strengthen your connection to your inner wisdom.


Cultivating inner listening is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with your Self as you navigate this process. There will be times when your inner voice is clear and other times when it feels elusive. Trust that it is always there, waiting for you to tune in.

Your Heart Truth is waiting for you

Every person is fully Self Contained, with all the wisdom and knowledge needed to live their best life imprinted on their Heart. By recognizing the role of external confirmations and embracing the gentle process of “Pause, Breathe, and Allow,” you can access your Heart’s truth and navigate life’s challenges with confidence and clarity.

Gentle Reminder

The answers you seek are already within you…
waiting to be discovered.

Your Truth withing your Heart